Pencil+ 4 for Maya Release Notes

Pencil+ 4.2.3

Changes since 4.2.2

[New Features]

  • Adds compatibility with Maya 2025.


  • Fixed a problem where wrong values were obtained when reading texture maps.
  • Fixed a problem where creating a new UV set would slow down processing.
  • Fixed an error when outputting render elements to a [Custom] path when there were multiple renderable cameras in the scene.
  • Fixed a problem where selected edges were not drawn after using [Replace Reference].
  • Fixed an error occurring in PencilRenderSetting.
  • Fixed a problem where vertex animation disappeared with PencilRenderSetting.
  • Improved the restoration process of PencilRenderSetting by using [Undo].
  • Fixed a crash problem with the Pencil+ 4 Line Renderer.
  • Fixed a problem where an error occurred when using [Delete Unused Pencil+ 4 Nodes].
  • Handled an issue where warnings were displayed by the Maya [Security Tools].

June 20, 2024 P SOFTHOUSE Co., Ltd

Pencil+ 4.2.2

Changes since 4.2.0

[New Features]

  • Adds compatibility with Maya 2024.


  • The PencilBrushDetail node's [Color Range] RGB and HSV values are now both always displayed in the node's channel box.
  • Fixed a problem where [Test Resolution] was not working correctly with renderers other than Maya Software in Maya 2019 and up.
  • Fixed a problem that could cause Maya to crash when rendering NURBS surfaces.

June 8, 2023 P SOFTHOUSE Co., Ltd

Pencil+ 4.2.0

Changes since 4.1.0

[New Features]

  • Adds compatibility with Maya 2022.
  • Added [Output Path] to PencilRenderElementsLine nodes.


  • Improved the amount of memory used for line rendering of scenes with many objects.
  • Fixed errors when outputting files in cases where PLD nodes are referenced.
  • Fixed a problem where Selected Edges could not be added again if UV sets used by Selected Edges were deleted.
  • Handled a problem where intersection detection processing took a long time when objects with scale 0 were input.
  • Handled a problem where links were modified when applying smoothing to referenced objects.

December 7, 2021 P SOFTHOUSE Co., Ltd

Pencil+ 4.1.0

Changes since 4.0.4

[New Features]

  • Adds compatibility with Maya 2020.
  • Introduces the Pencil+ 4 Line renderer.
  • Adds the ability to draw curves as outlines.
  • Adds the ability to draw Z-depth to PencilRendererElementsLine nodes.


  • Speed improvements when using 2D textures in maps.
  • Fixes a problem with drawing hidden lines using line functions.
  • Supports smooth conversions when a key is applied to an object's [Visibility].
  • Other minor bug fixes.

March 5, 2020 P SOFTHOUSE Co., Ltd

Pencil+ 4.0.4

Changes since 4.0.3


  • Fixed a problem where DG nodes were broken when PencilRenderSetting was used with objects that had their construction history deleted.

October 4, 2019 P SOFTHOUSE Co., Ltd

Pencil+ 4.0.3

Changes since 4.0.2


  • Fixed a problem where the Pencil+ 4 Render Setting smooth conversion failed when the Hypershade was open.
  • Fixed a problem where intermediate objects were not properly excluded by the Pencil+ 4 Render Setting smooth conversion.
  • Fixed a problem where the restoration process did not work correctly when a Pencil+ 4 Render Setting smooth conversion was executed on an object that does not have a construction history.
  • Shading groups are not displayed anymore in the Merge Groups addition dialog.
  • Fixed a problem where Maya could crash when rendering NURBS shapes.
  • Fixed a problem where output PLD files were mistaken for 3ds Max files when used in After Effects.
  • Fixed a problem where an unneeded extension was included in the scene name added to Render Elements file names.
  • Improved the fitting of lines drawn on NURBS shapes.
  • Optimized the smooth conversion and restoration process in scenes using Selected Edges.
  • "Delete Unused Pencil+ 4 Nodes" will now also delete Selected Edges nodes that do not refer to any applicable edge.

August 1, 2019 P SOFTHOUSE Co., Ltd

Pencil+ 4.0.2

Changes since 4.0.1

[New Features]

  • Added compatibility with Maya 2019.


  • Fixed a problem where Render Elements flags in [Output Category] did not work properly.
  • Fixed a problem where the color depth dropped to 8bpc when rendering using the Pencil+ 4 render view toolbar with a renderer other than Maya Software.
    *If the OpenEXRLoader plugin was previously loaded, the computations are performed with float precision.
  • Fixed a problem where lines were offset when there was a large object in the scene or the near clipping plane value was large.
  • Fixed a problem where the outline detection was not working properly when using [Draw Hidden Lines as Visible Lines] in Line Functions.
  • Fixed a problem where lines were offset when playblasting with [Display Size] set to a value other than "From window". (Applies to Maya 2017 and up.)
  • Fixed a problem where alpha channels other than those of Lines were cleared when playblasting.
  • Fixed a problem where the smoothing restoration process was not performed when a Maya software rendering was cancelled.
  • When smoothing, fixed a problem where smoothing was applied to unnecessary nodes.

April 24, 2019 P SOFTHOUSE Co., Ltd

Pencil+ 4.0.1

Changes since 4.0.0

[New Features]

  • Supports importing and exporting [Pencil+ 4 Material] and [Pencil+ 4 Line] settings to file with [PSOFT Pencil+ 4 Bridge].


  • Fixes failure in Smooth conversion when nodes have the same name.
  • Fixes failure in Smooth conversion when there are intermediate objects.
  • Fixes intermittent crashes when smoothing meshes with Selected Edges.
  • Fixes cases where scenes were not being saved correctly when using Selected Edges.
  • Modifies the labels and directions for Brush Details > Stroke > Loop Direction.
  • Applies the same equation as the 3ds Max version for Gradation's Smooth interpolation.
  • Fixes Gradation's Spline interpolation equation.
  • Fixes Gradation control points being deleted when they had the same X coordinate.
  • Fixes unintentional creation of Gradation control point [0].
  • Fixes problems with rendering with the network rendering plugin when legacy render layers were being used.
  • Fixes wrong line drawing results when there were multiple renderable render layers.
  • Fixes wrong Render Area in the Render View when using a renderer other than Maya Software.
  • Adjusts the delay timing of the Pencil+ 4 Line viewport settings.
  • Fixes the manual not opening when the plugin module was deployed to a network drive.
  • Updates the version of

December 13, 2018 P SOFTHOUSE Co., Ltd

Pencil+ 4.0.0 (Multi-language support)


[New Features]

  • Added the English version of the user's manual.

October 29, 2018 P SOFTHOUSE Co., Ltd

Pencil+ 4.0.0

Initial Release

October 1, 2018 P SOFTHOUSE Co., Ltd
