Creating Line Reflections

This tutorial explains how to create reflected Pencil+ 2 Lines.
  1. Create two objects (one that will cause a reflection and one that will be reflected).
    Go to the [Create] panel and press the [Geometry] button, then select [Standard Primitives]. Finally press the [Plane] and [Teapot] buttons in the [Object Type] rollout to create a flat plane and a teapot objects.

  2. We shall create a mirror-like texture using Pencil+ 2 Reflection/Refraction map.
    Press the [M] key to open the [Material Editor] dialog box, and set black for [Diffuse], and white for [Specular].

  3. Go to the [Maps] rollout and press the [Reflection] map button. Select [Pencil+ 2 Reflection/Refraction] in the [Material/Map Browser] and press [OK].

  4. Set the value of [Reflection/Refraction Map] in the [Base Parameters] rollout to [Flat Mirror]. Select [Flat Mirror] in the [Material/Map Browser] and press [OK].
    We now completed the configuration of our mirror material. Assign this material to the Plane object.

  5. Pencil+ 2 Line configuration.
    Go to [Rendering] menu / [Effects] / [Environment and Effects] dialog / [Effects] tab / [Add] button / [Add Effect] dialog, select [Pencil+ 2 Line] and press [OK].

  6. Apply lines to the teapot object.
    Set the line color to red and the [Size] to 1.5 so that the effect is easily visible.

  7. Render the scene.


  • You can change the line color in special parts by using maps and assigning individual Pencil+ 2 Reflection/Refraction Maps.
  • You can improve the sharpness of blurry reflected lines by disabling [Apply Blur].

Pencil+ for 3ds Max Tutorials

Changing to the Scanline Renderer

Pencil+ 4 Line Renderer Instructions

Material Instructions

Nitrous Shader Instructions

Stroke Map Instructions

Reflection/Refraction Map Instructions

Line Instructions

File Output Instructions

Line Merge Helper Instructions

Select Edge Instructions

Normal Copy Instructions

Perspective Deform Instructions

Special feature

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